

Why Macau

Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Shopping at Moshaict, Cikini, Central Jakarta in MOSBAZAR event

On December 13rd, 2012, me and Irma went to Moshaict, at Cikini area, Central Jakarta. This was our first time there. We came by public transport called a metro mini and many hijabers there were very fashionable driving cars stopped in the parking lot in front of the boutique until there is no more space for parking. We went in and presented views of how many good Muslim clothes, scraft, mukena, pants, blazer, blouse, dress models which are very unique and also good motive at a price that is not too cheap.

I seemed to want to close your eyes and point to any direction to select the clothes I want to buy because everything is nice and fit my taste. After a long drive around the boutique to see the end I decided to buy a satin pant and one scraft two tone with two motifs that can be inverted. The pant is 10% discount and the scraft is discount as well from the initial price. My friend, Irma, bought two scrafts with floral blue the dominant color and the other scraft is floral red dominant color. We are pleased to shop there and are eager to shop again if we‘ve got a lot of money. Indeed, the instinct of a woman for shopping so high that can relieve stress though. This day, I declare my woman instincts and Irma’s, are fulfilled successfully. May the blessings we were given a lot of money and can spend as much again as the day. It’s like Efek Rumah Kaca song, “Belanja Sampai Mati”. <3

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